Hey I thought its time to write again, as for the last some months I was away from it. To start again !! I was thinking as the there is no way back to start again, but to restart to find a new ending.
We are Humans and most of the time we lack motivation. As we have a strong logical and analytic mind we start saying that I have no interest, or I have lost myself during the hardships taken for last decades. Do Motivation is defined by Interest? yes indeed it is defined partially. But doing or chasing the same task for years demotivates us, here motivation fails on term of interest.
I my opinion to have an interest for something, does not motivate us, Many of us have interest in Music, dance, cooking, poetry, share broking, directing a movie but what is reality?? the whole day we are sitting in one corner of 30 m sq, counting some bills or convincing people to but some insurance policy. Reasons are millions to explain that we are victims of time, fate and circumstances.
Here motivation comes in play, you have ended to chase your big dreams because few times you were tested by storm of fate. You just hold an interest to fly Amsterdam to appreciate Van Gough or joining weekly Salsa classes to quench your thirsty legs. We are not motivated though interest is there still.
Think again what drives you interest, motivation or circumstances??? As Lewis said "Some day you will old enough to start reading fairy tales again" . Where is your fire??
Mukesh Kothari On Motivation
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Yoga Workshop on June 27
Healthy Back and Spine (Props use)
3 hrs Yoga Workshop on June 27, Sunday
Szurja Joga, Paulay ede Utca 25-27
3 hrs Yoga Workshop on June 27, Sunday
Szurja Joga, Paulay ede Utca 25-27
Unique designed workshop entirely on back and spine. The workshop will address the neck pain, upper back pain, lower back pain and tailbone pain. More than 18 yoga postures with a special way will be practiced in order to help spine to relieve the pain.
Hatha Yoga has considered Spine as the most important part of the Human body for both physical and spiritual bliss where as Hinduism has defined the Spine as the seat for 33 million Gods. Scoliosis and its prevention is a main theme for this workshop. Scoliosis is a state in which a person spine’s curved from side to side. With the long term and correct practice of Yoga the pain can be eradicated for forever. Along with this, the other issues such as defining the practice for people having Slipped Disc, Muscular spasm, Kyphosis (Hunch back), and Lordosis will be done.Apart from that those who want to preserve their back against stress, degenerative problems, stiffness and Osteoporosis can also participate. A home practice chart of yoga practice for 2 months to help the back against Scoliosis will be given.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
2nd series
“Release Your Brakes”
“Everything you want is just outside from your comfort zone”
Benefits of this new series:
1. Takes your Mind and Thinking at a different level.
2. Boast high confidence and open your heart chakra to alleviate
suppressed thoughts and desires.
3. Build core strength in muscles at legs and back.
4. Fat loss is faster as metabolism goes higher.
5. Improved flexibility and strength.
The series will begin with step by step learning of new postures, with a three hour introduction workshop on Ashtanga second series on May 30, 2010. For regular classes on 2nd series check www.bindusaryoga.hu .
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Alap Jóga Oktató Képzés
Alap Jóga Oktató Képzés
Bindusar Yoga Rishikesh és Budapest
Gazdagítsd életed átváltozással
A Bindusar Yoga Tanárképző program az egyik legátfogóbb és minden részletre kiterjedő; a változás - a transzformáció - pedig az egyik leglátványosabb az egész világon! A képzés a legmagasabb szinten zajlik, éppúgy, mint ahogyan azt a Himalájában oktatják - ahonnan a jóga származik és melyet a himalájai oktatók századokon át terjesztettek. A kurzus elvégzésével a jógával és az ayurvédával kapcsolatos széleskörű tudás birtokába kerülhetünk. Az aszanák minden részletre kiterjedő gyakorlásán túl pranayámák, meditációk, anatómia és pszichológia, tanítási metodika (módszertan), mantrák és más egyéb, életünket gyökeresen megváltoztató spirituális gyakorlatokat tanulhatunk. A képzés
A képzés különlegessége az, hogy módszertana eset tanulmányokon alapul, ahol a tudás nem csupán teoretikus (elméleti), hanem tisztán a gyakorlatban alkalmazható. A képzést nem csak azoknak ajánljuk, akik oktatók szeretnének lenni, hanem azoknak is, akik csak a saját maguk és minőségibb életük érdekében a jóga mélységeiben szeretnének elmerülni.
A kurzust két helyszínen hirdetjük meg, Budapesten (Magyarország) és a Bindusar Yoga Schoolban, Rishikeshben (India). Azok, akik szeretnék megtapasztalni a jóga lelkének igazi eredetét, a kurzust mindkét helyen, részben Budapesten, részben pedig Rishikeshben is végezhetik.
Mi szükséges ahhoz, hogy jelentkezhess a képzésre?
- Legalább három hónapos aktív jóga tapasztalat
- Ajánlólevél attól az oktatótól, aki korábban tanított
- Elhivatott és fegyelmezett életmód
- Alázatos, szerény hozzáállás és könyörületes lélek
- Mások alázatos szolgálata
„Önmagunkért élni a nyomorúság forrása” ”- Paramhansha Yogananda
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
New Classes
A perfect new approach has been taken to design the different needs of individual. All classes in T Klub fitness will be on theme based. Every class has new purpose and new aim with different fundamentals just to achieve the same age long goal of everlasting happiness.......
Monday, February 15, 2010
Do you carry Boats??
I have written this blog already but I would like to add the power of free flow with it. You need to open the sailing cloth if you want the boat to reach its destination. Many a times we are carrying boat without sailing and just waiting the waves should carry them...
It is just because the army have come to know that their no way back.........same way in life we have many boats arounds and some highly optimists called them as Alternatives......Ask yourself that how many times in life you have step with half hearted or fears in mind.......you always have these invisible boats around you when pressure builds up on you.........we have try to escape the situations and circumstances with a reason that this was not good for me....
An interesting questions ! how does the boat and yoga can relate?? Indeed they can.....
I heard about Hernando cortéz, he was a great spanish explorer who took Mexico for Spain. When his fleet of army reached the coast of Mexico, they have to go through a fierce battle with Mexicans. The battle was taking place uphills so they need to march up and fight to conquer the top. But when he saw his army was meeting disaster and on the verge of losing the battle, he asked his subordinate to burn all the boats. Once the boats are burned, they win the lost battle miracally..........
It is just because the army have come to know that their no way back.........same way in life we have many boats arounds and some highly optimists called them as Alternatives......Ask yourself that how many times in life you have step with half hearted or fears in mind.......you always have these invisible boats around you when pressure builds up on you.........we have try to escape the situations and circumstances with a reason that this was not good for me....
Many of us carry these boats in yoga classes.....we always try to find a way to escape what irritates us or challenges us.....challenges are the teachers that brings the grace under pressure...
I have seen while teaching Crane pose(Bakasana) many students place cushions underneath even they are not going to fall.....and some of us leave those challenges for future.....
Once I was teaching an exclusive class of yoga in depth on Paschimottan asana(Sitting forward bend), there was girl who was doing less but looking at other people more....when I asked her that why she is not trying....she answered that when she will get flexible then she will do it...
I was astonished that she might take some capsules to make her flexible :) unless you dont try how can you get flexibilty.....likewise some are there theyare enough flexible to break their last day record but they have alternatives around and they stay for years on same level where there were five years ago........
These boats also never let us to grow in life....as we always attempt things with half calibre and capacity......we are never sure of our capabilities whether we can achive it or not. We always have an attitude of giving try.......Like we have in India for Sports so we lag at last on medal tally even we are more than a billion.....
Life is a different part of same coin, you see the things with your pre-determined mind. The fears, lack of will and confidence stop you to sail through the ocean of life.
Life is a different part of same coin, you see the things with your pre-determined mind. The fears, lack of will and confidence stop you to sail through the ocean of life.
If you trust your yoga teacher and the teacher has no records of injury to students then you can try to walk uphill and set everyday a new standard and a challenge for you....Yoga reflects in life as life reflects in yoga.....
Try to count your boats and put them at bin..........
So leave your boats and try to break your own set mental limits.......
Mukesh Kothari
Mukesh Kothari
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Ashtanga leap
Ashtanga Intermediate begins now
As we have mastered the primary series, now the time have come to proceed to the intermediate B series. As last Monday it was first time and it requires all different postures along with the rhythm. In the beginning its not easy to cope with the instant push of energy it requires, so we wil start it with free flow mode and as the postures will get polish the viniyasas will be added gradually.
As we have mastered the primary series, now the time have come to proceed to the intermediate B series. As last Monday it was first time and it requires all different postures along with the rhythm. In the beginning its not easy to cope with the instant push of energy it requires, so we wil start it with free flow mode and as the postures will get polish the viniyasas will be added gradually.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Toxic poisoning
Yoga always spoke about social toxic poisoning, it has always alert the practitioner to be away from the company , people or event that can poison the mind. Yoga has emphasis more on environment around you, unlikely buddhist view of Sangha, Commune around you. It is better to get rid of those people around you who are more aggresive, negative, despair and malice. With their concious actions they can poison the mind sub conciously.
To reach you goal in physical or spiritual life, the minimization of condioning of mind has to be removed. Not just only in Yoga, even in the physical aspect like work, relationship, material prospects the negative aspects has to be cut off. "Upeksha" is the word that has been used in yoga, it means to ignore. Yoga considered hatred or green monster of jealousy as one of the impediments on the path of joy. To hate someone because of his vices is also not going to help you. Just ignore. In India there is a saying that an elephant never chages his path even the dogs bark on him, he just ignore them and pass away.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
5 principle....Celibacy????
It has been questioned the role of Celibacy in Yoga. Patanjali has described as "Brahamcharya pratisthanam virya labha". Brahamcharya is mostly interpreted as Celibacy or abstaining the sexual activity, prathistam means occurence, Virya is again translated as semen and labh is gain. So with this textual translation it concludes as the presence of Celibacy gives the benefits of semen, Some commentors have expalined as establishment of celibacy leads to vigour.
But the question arises how the loss of semen affects the path of yoga? What we are supposed to do with sexual absenteeism? Religion and Celibacy are closely related, in all religions whether Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism etc mostly the priests are not allowed to get married or supposed to have commitment towards life long so called virginity. Religion believes the energy should move always upward towards head so just to stop the down flow it prohibits sexual activity.Hindus were so fanatatic to this concept that they made Patanjali like human from Face and upper body but tied him as Fish form below navel to hold his celibacy in esteem. They have said that he was never born he just fall from sky, so erased all the sexual events even in pictorial form.
Yoga holds a different opinion from religion towards, it doesn't states external celibacy, it talking more on transformation. Patanjali needs a positive use of this energy rather than destructive, armies are kept apart from their families, their sexuality have been hindered, which leads them to for the destructive nature. They can only kill when this sex force pushes them and make them insane, it makes them blind as it is trying to find a way to penetrate, it comes in bullet penetration. Almost more than ten times I heard the sexual abuses done by most of highest religious authorities in almost every religion.
Vigour is defined as a power to forgive, and only braves can forgive. In fact Patanjali was not interested in sexual celibacy, he is most likely interested in mercy, forgiveness and misdirected transformation of energy. In India most of the scandals also in yoga school, hindu temples, have shown sex abuses, they are preaching the uses of this. The real essence of celibacy lies on satisfaction, and this is closely related with energy moving from root chakra. In ashtanga all are talking about Mulabandha but still they are far from undertstanding the resl significance of it. Just contracting the pelvis and perinium will not to attain the goal.
It is a drving force, that have to be well balanced and directed, not complete absenteeism or excessive indulgence will lead to goal.

Yoga holds a different opinion from religion towards, it doesn't states external celibacy, it talking more on transformation. Patanjali needs a positive use of this energy rather than destructive, armies are kept apart from their families, their sexuality have been hindered, which leads them to for the destructive nature. They can only kill when this sex force pushes them and make them insane, it makes them blind as it is trying to find a way to penetrate, it comes in bullet penetration. Almost more than ten times I heard the sexual abuses done by most of highest religious authorities in almost every religion.
Vigour is defined as a power to forgive, and only braves can forgive. In fact Patanjali was not interested in sexual celibacy, he is most likely interested in mercy, forgiveness and misdirected transformation of energy. In India most of the scandals also in yoga school, hindu temples, have shown sex abuses, they are preaching the uses of this. The real essence of celibacy lies on satisfaction, and this is closely related with energy moving from root chakra. In ashtanga all are talking about Mulabandha but still they are far from undertstanding the resl significance of it. Just contracting the pelvis and perinium will not to attain the goal.
It is a drving force, that have to be well balanced and directed, not complete absenteeism or excessive indulgence will lead to goal.
Developing.....Mukesh Kothari
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Yoga, Tantra,Hinduism and the world around you......
Yoga, Tantra and Hinduism are closely related. Basically yoga and Tantra are different side of same coin which were placed in the safe of Hinduism. If a man puts Euro, Dollar and Forint at the same time in his purse, it doesnt mean that these currencies will loose their Value, nature or will change according to the purse.
Yoga is a science that involves application of will. It is purely based on efforts through will power whereas Tantra is absolute method of surrendering the will. Tantra never applies will it just accepts. Hinduism is that sect which applies the mixed practice of both Yoga and Tantra in the form of Tantra Yoga, that includes Rituals, Chantings, Ceremonies and Practices. Hinduism never believes on extreme corner, it always ttried to stay at balance of two.
In India the most of Hindu ashrams are practicing the mix of Yoga and Tantra, unless they are not Purely Yoga or Tantric teaching based schools. Yoga is more introvert in its approach, applies the submission of desires through will, while Tantra is more extrovert believes in communication of micro and macro cosmos.
A balance of yoga and tantra is required as we are social animals and we need to communicate with material world, that includes family, relationship, work, ambition etc. Both of them are meant to know the innerself, so that actions would turn perfect. Yoga have been divided in many streams like Ashtanga(Raja) yoga, Karma yoga(Action based), Bhakti yoga (Devotion based) and Jnana Yoga(Knowledge based),personally I dont believe and feel any division among them.
Yoga is a science that involves application of will. It is purely based on efforts through will power whereas Tantra is absolute method of surrendering the will. Tantra never applies will it just accepts. Hinduism is that sect which applies the mixed practice of both Yoga and Tantra in the form of Tantra Yoga, that includes Rituals, Chantings, Ceremonies and Practices. Hinduism never believes on extreme corner, it always ttried to stay at balance of two.
In India the most of Hindu ashrams are practicing the mix of Yoga and Tantra, unless they are not Purely Yoga or Tantric teaching based schools. Yoga is more introvert in its approach, applies the submission of desires through will, while Tantra is more extrovert believes in communication of micro and macro cosmos.

In India Yoga is seen more as religion and a devotee of Krishna is fighting with a Devotee of Shiva and vice versa. They just want to place their God of Belief on top of other. Tantra believe in all. Krishna , Shiva and Budhha, they were tantra yogis. They have dictated the principles of both yoga and tantra.
Hinduism is an interseting sect not a religion, as it had no Father or founder, no one knows from where it comes, none of the books have mentioned any other religion, no commandments, no contradictions, no conflict of philosophies with others, being asectic or athiest doesnt make a difference. Being older sect might be a cause, but the real essence lies on the principle that takes what serves you best both physically and spiritually. The world believes that Hindus refer cows as holy, they dont eat beef, but its not true as a whole, in the north it is a norm not to kill the cow, but in southern Indian Hindus even eat Beef.
Yoga and Tantra are meant to be in harmony with the world around you. Efforts are made from bothe side within yoga and the world. To renounce is never a part of them, even of Hinduism. It is just to play and action with perfection with a sense of non action.
Other side
Monday, January 11, 2010
Do you want to know who are you?
Thomas Jefferson said once "Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you"
Yesterday in evening first time with the students who have started Ashtanga Viniyasa with me from September have done the full series with viniyasa's. As in the room there was three Agnes, Zsuzsa, Zoltan, Vera etc. The most important thing is that they have learnt the full series without any injuries even minor too. That can be a big achievement to Teacher and Students to lead to a safe and dynamic practice.
As Agnes was doing Ashtanga 3 years ago, but due to her she has to stop it for a year and half, but in three months practice with average 2 times a week she has recover fast in both stamina and hold on Asanas. other Agi has a background with some power yoga, but she has developed herself almost in every posture even bottle nect for her like Lotus. Zoltan is doing Hatha yoga for many years for him the shift was not too easy as to move from static to dynamic. Being a man its never easy to work on back bends but he is going good.
The big Surprise is Lantos Veronica, being 59 and with stiff osteoporosis with little extra weight, she has gained an excellent level. At this age even to stay for 90 minutes in Ashtanga viniyasa class is commendable. Kata 64, along with her sister Vera is also doing her best to bear ashtanga heat.
We have decided that from the last week of January we will start second series on alternate monday's as to facilate the body with more muscular opening.
Yesterday in evening first time with the students who have started Ashtanga Viniyasa with me from September have done the full series with viniyasa's. As in the room there was three Agnes, Zsuzsa, Zoltan, Vera etc. The most important thing is that they have learnt the full series without any injuries even minor too. That can be a big achievement to Teacher and Students to lead to a safe and dynamic practice.
As Agnes was doing Ashtanga 3 years ago, but due to her she has to stop it for a year and half, but in three months practice with average 2 times a week she has recover fast in both stamina and hold on Asanas. other Agi has a background with some power yoga, but she has developed herself almost in every posture even bottle nect for her like Lotus. Zoltan is doing Hatha yoga for many years for him the shift was not too easy as to move from static to dynamic. Being a man its never easy to work on back bends but he is going good.
The big Surprise is Lantos Veronica, being 59 and with stiff osteoporosis with little extra weight, she has gained an excellent level. At this age even to stay for 90 minutes in Ashtanga viniyasa class is commendable. Kata 64, along with her sister Vera is also doing her best to bear ashtanga heat.
We have decided that from the last week of January we will start second series on alternate monday's as to facilate the body with more muscular opening.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Aparigraha (Non possession) the 4th principle...II
Continued from last blog...
So the disciple reached the Kingdom of Mithila, and when he entered the court he saw there are womenn dancing, ministers were drinking wine and a party type environment. He thought that whether my Master have turned mad, that he wished me to see this Party animal Janaka. He decided immediately to return back to monastery. But the Kind insist him to stay in Palace atleast for a night as he walked a lot and should take some rest, by tomorrow he can go back.
Disciple also taught same and affirmed to stay overnight. King asked his housekeepers to take a good care of him. Disciple was given a scented warm bath, Sauna was also introduced to him and followed by a massage.When he returned to his bedroom to sleep, he saw a nicely decorated bed. He lied down, and jumped off from the bed, that a sword id hanging on the top of bed pointing down. He tried to sleep but couldnt able for whole night as he feared the sword will might fall on him.
On the next morning he asked Janaka about this with anger. King replied that he has a sword like that what he hanging on him everytime, so he knows the death can come at any time, therfore he couldnot get attached and possess anything even he is a king.
Patanjali, refers same sword when he asked the practice with sense of non attachment as it will lead to always at non possessiveness. To have a desire to possess is more harmful than to possess. Tantra follows the similar way , it says the things that bounds you, can only liberate you.
For a yogi possession never matters as it is different from the path of Buddha, Mahavira and Monks, for him the desire to continue to attach with it is lethal. You possess or not it is not going to make a difference unless the desire of attachment is there. Yoga is same for rich and poor, all counts the understanding of EGO and sense of let go.
Lao Tzu was more clear on it when he says "Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy".
Health is the greatest possession, as the body is more keen to possess throught the mind. At last Lao has placed the beauty that Non being is greatest joy. As the Ego ceases, your presence will also end, you become a whole being with universe. The distinction has been removed, so once you dont exist the possession will also not exist.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Aparigraha (Non possession) the 4th principle.....
To Understand Aparigraha is not easy. Simply it means non possession. I came across to many books on this issues most of them are copy of each other.
Non Possessiveness is very difficult to understand as we have been conditioned for centuries with the linking of religion or spirituality with non possession. Jesus marked "Leave all the riches and you will come to me". Does it mean that when you are poor then only you are qualified for paradise. Being rich will limit your chances for liberation.
I dont know whether he has said it ever or not, but this mentioned in the book as his one of the remarks. Might be possible he has been interpreted, he means to say that share the wealth or materials with those who dont have.
But not only with him, even in Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and etc this is said in same way like Jesus said. We have been conditioned with this non possessiveness so much that if we see Buddha driving a Bentley we wont accept him as Buddha. People in India will never respect a Monk who is driving a car or wearing a clean and elegant Cloth.
They have related poverty and spiritual so much, that when any Hindu wants to be a Sadhu or monk, he need to be ready to live as poor. I read a book "The monk who sold his ferrari", a fantastic book by Robin and a best seller too.
Renunciation and Non possession are two different coins. Buddhism is based on Renunciation, they have to renounce the life in order to discover the other life, but yoga jjust believe in sense of non possession, what means that you can possess a thing but with a sense of non attachment.
Indians have never worship any man other than King Janaka. He was the father of Sita, wife of Lord Rama. He has been regarded and worshiped for ages. A story I heard that once a master asked his disciple that he has taught him whatsoever can be taught in the monastery, but to learn the real life he has to go back to the world. He asked him to go King Janaka, because he can teach the spirituality in the real life.........
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Jóga Tábor 2010
A múlt évi workshopok nagy sikerére való tekintettel az idén is folytatjuk workshop sorozatunkat.
A 2010-es év első workshopja Egerszalókon kerül megrendezésre, Február 6- 7-én (szombat, vasárnap).
Eger városa és környéke termál vizekben gazdag. A pihenni vágyók kényelmét termál hotelek szolgálják. Ezen üdülők alkalmazottainak bőrén is meglátszik a gyógyvíz jótékony hatása.
A workshop során a főszerep ismét a jógáé, mely Ashtanga- és Iyengar- jóga elemekre épül. A gyakorlások során megimerkedhetünk a Tantra jóga alapelveivel is.
A workshop fő témája: „Tárd ki önmagad és az élet könnyebbé válik. Egy pohár vízben feloldott só a vizet ihatatlanná teszi. Egy kanál víz a tóban szinte észrevehetetlen” ------Buddha
A workshop jóga gyakorlatok végzését tartalmazza, mely az aszhtanga dinamikus mozdulatsoraival, az életvitelünkre vonatkozó hasznos Ajurvédikus tanácsokkal párosul. Mindezeken felül megtanulhatjuk, hogyan tisztítsuk orr-, arc- és homloküregünket, elsajátíthatunk különféle pranajama- (légzés) és meditációs technikákat. Időtöltésünket még kellemesebbé teheti a Hotel finn- és infra szaunája, két külső- belső medencéje (A víz hőmérséklete 38C° és 28 C°-os)
További részletek: www.bindusaryoga.hu/hírek - hamarosan!
Jelentkezés és további információ: Barát István: 0036-70/419-92-34
A 2010-es év első workshopja Egerszalókon kerül megrendezésre, Február 6- 7-én (szombat, vasárnap).
Eger városa és környéke termál vizekben gazdag. A pihenni vágyók kényelmét termál hotelek szolgálják. Ezen üdülők alkalmazottainak bőrén is meglátszik a gyógyvíz jótékony hatása.
A workshop során a főszerep ismét a jógáé, mely Ashtanga- és Iyengar- jóga elemekre épül. A gyakorlások során megimerkedhetünk a Tantra jóga alapelveivel is.
A workshop fő témája: „Tárd ki önmagad és az élet könnyebbé válik. Egy pohár vízben feloldott só a vizet ihatatlanná teszi. Egy kanál víz a tóban szinte észrevehetetlen” ------Buddha
A workshop jóga gyakorlatok végzését tartalmazza, mely az aszhtanga dinamikus mozdulatsoraival, az életvitelünkre vonatkozó hasznos Ajurvédikus tanácsokkal párosul. Mindezeken felül megtanulhatjuk, hogyan tisztítsuk orr-, arc- és homloküregünket, elsajátíthatunk különféle pranajama- (légzés) és meditációs technikákat. Időtöltésünket még kellemesebbé teheti a Hotel finn- és infra szaunája, két külső- belső medencéje (A víz hőmérséklete 38C° és 28 C°-os)
További részletek: www.bindusaryoga.hu/hírek - hamarosan!
Jelentkezés és további információ: Barát István: 0036-70/419-92-34
Yoga workshop 2010
The hidden language of body and mind workshop
In order to continue success of last year workshops, the first yoga workshop will be held on 6-7 Feb 2010 at Eger. Eger is a town with a range of thermal water park. It has many thermal hotels and resorts that have well supplied with several minerals as I can see on the skin of Eger hotel employees.
This workshop will be special as Yoga is done with Ashtanga and Iyengar theorem, in addition to Basics underlying principle of Tantra yoga.
This workshop main theme is "Let yourself be open and life will be easier. A spoon of salt in a glass of water makes the water undrinkable. A spoon of salt in a lake is almost unnoticed"-----Buddha

The workshop includes Yoga postures with perfect allignment based on ashtanga dynamic move, Ayurveda concepts of lifestyle, and practice of detox for Sinus and nasal cavity, Pranayama and Meditation.Along with all this there is a thermal pool heated upto 38 °C and practice of aerobic part of yoga in it.
For more details contact Barat Istvan: 0036-704199234
Workshops by Mukesh Kothari
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
3rd principle- Non stealing? "Steal an apple"- Patanjali
Asteya is considered as in row third Yama or principle of yoga. Asteya is a word that is translated in english as non -stealing in Yoga. Not to steal is translated by many books as Patanjali definition of Asteya.
Every parent in the world teach their kid this as basic ethics in life. No parents in the world want to see their kids as termed as theif or robber. So the question arises does Patanjali is trying to teach the community of theifs?. India was a developed society even in 2600 years ago, and the period of Gupta empire was existed at that time. 3 to 6 century CE was considered as the Golden age of India. India has Florished itself in science, economy, technology, 0 was discovered, philosophy, mathematics and people like Buddha, Mahavira, Patanjali, Kalidasa(a great author), Aryabhatt( Mathematician and astronomer, famous for 0 and decimal system), Vatysana(Author of Kamasutra) have born.
It is said in Indian history people dont lock their doors when they are out from the house even, as their is no theft.
So what makes Patanjali to add Asteya as a main principle of yoga. Is he just trying to prevent the chances of becoming theif in society. All western translation of yoga, have missed the cultural heritage and essence of atmosphere in their works. They have just wrote a commentary with their western frame of mind.
Non stealing cannot be a big deal for yoga, a mother is enough to teach it. Kings or Goverment are more responsible for thefts than yoga schools.
Now we have to understand Patanjali frame of mind while using the word. Patanjali have always emphasis on Contentment or satisfaction. Any loss in satisfaction or lack of it prompts man to take some action to serve his desires well. Lack of satisfaction is the result of desire. Patanjali was a keen psychologist and he felt that as the society will get prosperous their will be a new desires will form. Unlike Buddha he believes nothing is absolute.
Maslow have given his need hierchy theory in last century but Patanjali was more aware of it even that well developed time. He belived as physical needs will get satisfied meta physical needs will arises. To steal a physical object wont be a problem for him, as you will get satisfied once you get it irrespect of the way. To steal a apple or a gold will not effect as the person is still far away from the base stage.
He was trying to stop the stealing at the higher level. Buddha said every man is Unique. Vajrayna tantra says kill the Buddha before you meditate. And Patanjali is doing nothing he is trying to stop the theft of this Buddha from one man to other. Man always try to steal something, in the child hood it is an apple, then a pencil, toy, as he grows it will be a car, money, gold etc, but once he become physical secure he start stealing the thought, personality, ideologies. These abstract factors are stolen without knowing their relevance in ones life. And one it happens man forgets his true nature, thus the first principle of Truth get defy, later living in another influence, philosophy he start killing his real self, so Violence step up.
Yoga ask to be true to yourself, without stealing external matter either physical or abstract. It is easy to stop a man to steal a physical entity by putting hin jail, but all abstract factores have no rule yet. And till the man doesnt know how to live with his own nature, accepting himself, he will be always conditioned.
Every parent in the world teach their kid this as basic ethics in life. No parents in the world want to see their kids as termed as theif or robber. So the question arises does Patanjali is trying to teach the community of theifs?. India was a developed society even in 2600 years ago, and the period of Gupta empire was existed at that time. 3 to 6 century CE was considered as the Golden age of India. India has Florished itself in science, economy, technology, 0 was discovered, philosophy, mathematics and people like Buddha, Mahavira, Patanjali, Kalidasa(a great author), Aryabhatt( Mathematician and astronomer, famous for 0 and decimal system), Vatysana(Author of Kamasutra) have born.
It is said in Indian history people dont lock their doors when they are out from the house even, as their is no theft.
So what makes Patanjali to add Asteya as a main principle of yoga. Is he just trying to prevent the chances of becoming theif in society. All western translation of yoga, have missed the cultural heritage and essence of atmosphere in their works. They have just wrote a commentary with their western frame of mind.
Non stealing cannot be a big deal for yoga, a mother is enough to teach it. Kings or Goverment are more responsible for thefts than yoga schools.
Now we have to understand Patanjali frame of mind while using the word. Patanjali have always emphasis on Contentment or satisfaction. Any loss in satisfaction or lack of it prompts man to take some action to serve his desires well. Lack of satisfaction is the result of desire. Patanjali was a keen psychologist and he felt that as the society will get prosperous their will be a new desires will form. Unlike Buddha he believes nothing is absolute.
Maslow have given his need hierchy theory in last century but Patanjali was more aware of it even that well developed time. He belived as physical needs will get satisfied meta physical needs will arises. To steal a physical object wont be a problem for him, as you will get satisfied once you get it irrespect of the way. To steal a apple or a gold will not effect as the person is still far away from the base stage.
He was trying to stop the stealing at the higher level. Buddha said every man is Unique. Vajrayna tantra says kill the Buddha before you meditate. And Patanjali is doing nothing he is trying to stop the theft of this Buddha from one man to other. Man always try to steal something, in the child hood it is an apple, then a pencil, toy, as he grows it will be a car, money, gold etc, but once he become physical secure he start stealing the thought, personality, ideologies. These abstract factors are stolen without knowing their relevance in ones life. And one it happens man forgets his true nature, thus the first principle of Truth get defy, later living in another influence, philosophy he start killing his real self, so Violence step up.
Yoga ask to be true to yourself, without stealing external matter either physical or abstract. It is easy to stop a man to steal a physical entity by putting hin jail, but all abstract factores have no rule yet. And till the man doesnt know how to live with his own nature, accepting himself, he will be always conditioned.
Developing.....Mukesh Kothari
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Ahimsa the second principle......
Sanskrit is a very old language, and to translate exact it to other language is not possible. Every language carries its own expression in the form of cultural factor. Sanskrit has moulded itself for thousands of year to define the subtle laws easily.
Non Violence is the close translation but not exact. As in english it means not to do violence. Ahimsa is sanskrit terminolgy close to non violence but not exact. We are going to talk on Ahimsa in detail as it connects all the principle. Non Violence in nowdays it represent as as not to hurt anyone.
Let check what does Patanjali says about Ahimsa(Non Violence), "by practising non violence, ones own presence creates an atmosphere in which hostility doesnt exist or ceases". Simply it means that if one is non violent to other living entities, his presence will bring peace and hostilities will come to an end.
Non Violent refers not to hurt, kill, attempt or desires to harm other. But Is that possible to attain this state easily? For the Humans it not as easy as a human mind is covered with dust of passions. Even I have seen many spiritual institutions, religious organisation and even the yoga teachers are trying to find a way to create hostilities.
Buddha, Jesus, Mahavir, Socrates they all were following non violence, .they preach non violence as a firts step for enlighment, but even Buddha was insulted and several attempt to kill him had done. Jesus was Crucified, while teaching the principle of love. Mahavir was stoned by masses and Socrates was forced to drink the cup of poison. So one can argue how Patanjali was correct. All these above figures met hostility that took their lives.
Patanjali is not mentioning here simple non violence, he mentioned Ahimsa. Ahimsa is word that Aham and Sa. Ahm is Ego and sa means to dissolve it. But the word "i" means awareness, and thats the bridge. Buddha has a Cousin named Devdatt, who is in competition with him always. When he heard the glory of Buddha, he was jealous, envied, and tried to kill him. While Buddha was in meditation he tried to roll down a big rock through the mountain on him. But the rock changed the direction by itself. Later Buddha said that rock has more conciousness than his cousin.
Sameway we people gather more rubbish in our mind, we keep collecting ideas, and they just become a heap of garbage. And when we pass through an existence like Buddha we could not feel it, we are no more concious to feel the presence of divine.
Ahimsa here signifies that the concious presence of mind. If we are concious, aware the violence will not take place. Just by stop eating the meat or eggs one cannot be qualified for a Tag of non violent. Scientist have proved that Plants release a chemical to attract bigger insects to eat the small flies and parasites around it. J C Bose a noble laurate Indian scientist have proved in 60's that plants have conciousness.
For Patanjali to kill a plant or an animal doesnt differ alot. Jain is a religion folled by Mahavira, their followers wait for a plant to drop the fruit, to eat.
When Jesus is asking his followers on last day eat the bread as if you are eating me, and drink the wine as my blood, he was trying to make them one with himslef through conciousness. The time when the master get dissolve in his students.
Patanjali just meant to say negative thougths and emotions for attachment lead to violence, knowing or unknowingly. It is hard to be non violent in sense of Patanjali, in terms of yoga but the key is awareness. Tao has simplify it just act with full awareness.
Non Violence is the close translation but not exact. As in english it means not to do violence. Ahimsa is sanskrit terminolgy close to non violence but not exact. We are going to talk on Ahimsa in detail as it connects all the principle. Non Violence in nowdays it represent as as not to hurt anyone.
Let check what does Patanjali says about Ahimsa(Non Violence), "by practising non violence, ones own presence creates an atmosphere in which hostility doesnt exist or ceases". Simply it means that if one is non violent to other living entities, his presence will bring peace and hostilities will come to an end.
Non Violent refers not to hurt, kill, attempt or desires to harm other. But Is that possible to attain this state easily? For the Humans it not as easy as a human mind is covered with dust of passions. Even I have seen many spiritual institutions, religious organisation and even the yoga teachers are trying to find a way to create hostilities.
Buddha, Jesus, Mahavir, Socrates they all were following non violence, .they preach non violence as a firts step for enlighment, but even Buddha was insulted and several attempt to kill him had done. Jesus was Crucified, while teaching the principle of love. Mahavir was stoned by masses and Socrates was forced to drink the cup of poison. So one can argue how Patanjali was correct. All these above figures met hostility that took their lives.
Patanjali is not mentioning here simple non violence, he mentioned Ahimsa. Ahimsa is word that Aham and Sa. Ahm is Ego and sa means to dissolve it. But the word "i" means awareness, and thats the bridge. Buddha has a Cousin named Devdatt, who is in competition with him always. When he heard the glory of Buddha, he was jealous, envied, and tried to kill him. While Buddha was in meditation he tried to roll down a big rock through the mountain on him. But the rock changed the direction by itself. Later Buddha said that rock has more conciousness than his cousin.
Sameway we people gather more rubbish in our mind, we keep collecting ideas, and they just become a heap of garbage. And when we pass through an existence like Buddha we could not feel it, we are no more concious to feel the presence of divine.
Ahimsa here signifies that the concious presence of mind. If we are concious, aware the violence will not take place. Just by stop eating the meat or eggs one cannot be qualified for a Tag of non violent. Scientist have proved that Plants release a chemical to attract bigger insects to eat the small flies and parasites around it. J C Bose a noble laurate Indian scientist have proved in 60's that plants have conciousness.
For Patanjali to kill a plant or an animal doesnt differ alot. Jain is a religion folled by Mahavira, their followers wait for a plant to drop the fruit, to eat.
When Jesus is asking his followers on last day eat the bread as if you are eating me, and drink the wine as my blood, he was trying to make them one with himslef through conciousness. The time when the master get dissolve in his students.
Patanjali just meant to say negative thougths and emotions for attachment lead to violence, knowing or unknowingly. It is hard to be non violent in sense of Patanjali, in terms of yoga but the key is awareness. Tao has simplify it just act with full awareness.
Developing.....Mukesh Kothari
Monday, January 4, 2010
5 principles of yoga: Truth (Satya)
With the practice of yoga, we always meet the philosophy behind it. Yoga without the philosophy will be equal to Gymnastics as we are doing asanas withouth knowing their relevance. In the book by Patanjali on Ashtanga yoga or Raja yoga, he start with eight limb path.
Let begins with Yama the first in order. Yama means that the principles of yoga. But here the word principle applied in a different sense than west. In east principle means just to watch and to live with that awareness. West has 10 commandments but none of the eastern religion have commandments. Therfore principle are not taken from outside they have to be nurtured within yourself.
Satya, truth is the first principle of Patanjali yoga. Truth is GOD, Quran says. I have read many english translation of Patanjali yoga sutra, but most of them are misguiding as they represent Satya, as TRUTHFULNESS. There is a big difference between truth and truthfulness. Truth needs no proof or screening while truthfulness have to be proved at every point. Thats why many of western translations describe it as to be truthful with word, action and thinking.
But Patanjali is not teaching how to be moral? He not guiding the moral standards, as yoga has no specific rules on morality. Morality exist at the level of mind, but yoga is meant to go beyond mind. So it is incorrect that Patanjali has tried to make us more moral.
Trurth in sense of Patanjali implies to be true with yourself. There should be no fallacy, no extra covering of perceptions and desires. He just want us to be in a true state in which we are. He condems wilful and forceful transformation. Just as Tao, he means that change is temporary but transformation is eternal.
Truth is not easy to understand, many of us try to change the world, we need to bring the revolution at the external level, Patanjali marked that world is too vast, it is almost impossible to bring a commendable change. Therefore he adviced a easy way that transform yourself and the worl will change. It just needs to be what we are not what we ought to be.
Truth means to accept yourself as you are without any delusions. It is not easy to accept yourself with an animal instinct or the worse mode of state. Therefore we try to change ourselves sometimes by changing the color of bedroom, changing the lifestyle or converting to an another religion. Many people couldnt even felt transformation with Yoga, so they have tried to change yoga also, sometimes doing it faster, slower or now in hot rooms. But at last we find that nothing have changed, because we are always same inside and never let to accept ourselves.
A basic requirement for a yoga practitioner is to accept himself as a truth rather than with delusions. Before reading the more depth of yoga philosophy the Truth have to be established as it will bring the benefits of inner riches rather than an Egoistic barrier.
In next we will talk about benefits of being truth.
Let begins with Yama the first in order. Yama means that the principles of yoga. But here the word principle applied in a different sense than west. In east principle means just to watch and to live with that awareness. West has 10 commandments but none of the eastern religion have commandments. Therfore principle are not taken from outside they have to be nurtured within yourself.
Satya, truth is the first principle of Patanjali yoga. Truth is GOD, Quran says. I have read many english translation of Patanjali yoga sutra, but most of them are misguiding as they represent Satya, as TRUTHFULNESS. There is a big difference between truth and truthfulness. Truth needs no proof or screening while truthfulness have to be proved at every point. Thats why many of western translations describe it as to be truthful with word, action and thinking.
But Patanjali is not teaching how to be moral? He not guiding the moral standards, as yoga has no specific rules on morality. Morality exist at the level of mind, but yoga is meant to go beyond mind. So it is incorrect that Patanjali has tried to make us more moral.
Trurth in sense of Patanjali implies to be true with yourself. There should be no fallacy, no extra covering of perceptions and desires. He just want us to be in a true state in which we are. He condems wilful and forceful transformation. Just as Tao, he means that change is temporary but transformation is eternal.
Truth is not easy to understand, many of us try to change the world, we need to bring the revolution at the external level, Patanjali marked that world is too vast, it is almost impossible to bring a commendable change. Therefore he adviced a easy way that transform yourself and the worl will change. It just needs to be what we are not what we ought to be.
Truth means to accept yourself as you are without any delusions. It is not easy to accept yourself with an animal instinct or the worse mode of state. Therefore we try to change ourselves sometimes by changing the color of bedroom, changing the lifestyle or converting to an another religion. Many people couldnt even felt transformation with Yoga, so they have tried to change yoga also, sometimes doing it faster, slower or now in hot rooms. But at last we find that nothing have changed, because we are always same inside and never let to accept ourselves.
A basic requirement for a yoga practitioner is to accept himself as a truth rather than with delusions. Before reading the more depth of yoga philosophy the Truth have to be established as it will bring the benefits of inner riches rather than an Egoistic barrier.
In next we will talk about benefits of being truth.
Developing.....Mukesh Kothari
Saturday, January 2, 2010
New Year Resolutions !!!

This Sankalpa is a sanskrit term for resolution, which means surrendering yourself for perfection. Every yogi that come through Indian monsatic school takes few resolution, it can be serving the yoga throughout the life or a resolution to help the needed ones.
Now with Psychology, resoltuion are the expression of desires acclerated through will power. It is not just a one day game it is something that could be chased passionately throughout 365 days. Man have different need and as Maslow had described the need hierchy theorem. A man need would grow through his satisfaction of basics need. Each man have different need in different time, but few desires need continuous effort and attention.
Patanjali has stated in yoga that man should act according to time, place and circumstances. Yoga believes life as full of dynamism, it is continuosly changing and each moment is reformin to other. Some time it happens through the will of self that yoga termed as Purusha or through nature that is Prakriti.
So we cannot decide in the begining of a new year the whole list of coming year activity, it will wasted. A will required to fullfill the resolution. But with our limited vision and corrupted outlook with many fear and phobias, many of us fail to carry or postponed the resolution. The biggest treat in life is to overcome the fear, and that can be achieved through understanding of body and mind.
Yoga helps to unite the unknown body wisdom with the directed will of mind. It can bring wonders, and finally shower the long overjoy in the life.
Mukesh Kothari Ashtanga yoga
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