Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Yoga, Alignment and Ego !!!
Yoga and Alignment are the two side of same coinwhile the ego is the result of having just one. It can be an alignment of body, breath and mind or an alignment of conciousness with muscular movement done during a yoga practice.
Alignments are required to feel the real effect and essence of a yoga posture. A yoga posture that is not well adjusted and lack aligment among the muscles will loose the power to give complete benefits, whereas an aligned asana can give mental soothing and a deep relaxing state immediately. Yoga alignment is a precise way in which the body stay in any posture without injuring and reaping the benefits of effort. Yoga have described asanas as an effortless practice.
It can be true but for a beginner in the starting few weeks can be quite strong as the muscles start re-adjusting themselves. In the style of Ashtanga Viniyasa these alignments are very required as the chances of injuries are quite high due to dynamic flows. If the student is not refined with alignment he could lead to a fatal injury as I have few students in my Iyengar classes those have stopped Ashtanga because of incompetence guidance that cause more harm than benefits.
I personally believe being as an Indian and born in Rishikesh with my decades of studies in Swami Omkarananda school, that yoga is not a race neither a passive attitude it is an intrument to design our life according to our uniques needs. Buddha has marked that each man is unique, so practice in yoga and the way to approach is also unique. It can not be a mass market supply, it has to be unique. Therefore alignment is required in life and in practice.
In ashtanga most of students are in race to finish a destination of six series, without perfecting the prior one. It has become the center of ego satisfaction. A practitioner tells other one he is in third series and other try to reach 4 series soon. The real sense of Spiritualism and magic of journey have lost. And finaly after few years they are just Gymanst with an Ego of an yogi.
Therefore when you get aligned within yourself and your body and mind get united with cosmic flow of breath the ego drops. Ego is always relative, it needs always comparison, if some Ashtanga practitioner says that Iyengar or Hatha id useless or vice versa, it just a snob with a illusionary ego.
For Indians yoga is yoga, since last 10,000 years, they didnt differentiate with practice but in west it has been differentiated. Yoga can be done for thousand reasons and they are unique for each one of us, but journey and spirit is same.
Therefore we need a deconditioned path with new light but with original eyes where we can allign and drop the barrier of Ego towards the happiness.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Yoga Classes by Mukesh Kothari in december
All the classes that are done by Mukesh Kothari in Various yoga studios will be closed from 24 December to 3 Januray.
In Januray few new classes will be going to start by Mukesh, such as on Meditation, and Ashtanga yoga beginners.
Rishikesh Yoga School
Monday, December 14, 2009
yoga+hynosis = weight loss
According to the Hyp-Yoga website, the practice combines hatha yoga with positive visualizations that speak to the subconscious mind to impact the conscious.
Yoga Nidra, a sleeping technique in yoga also employs the same theorem but in a passive mode. Even the mantra chantings are meant for the same purpose rather than any spiritual pursuits.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Ashwagandha: Jóga és Ayurveda

Az ashwagandha széles körben alkalmazható gyógynövény, ami segíthet a gyakorlatok végzése közben fellépő stresszhatások kontrollálásában azzal, hogy lenyugtatja az izmokat, csökkenti a fájdalmat, és pótolja az elveszett energiát, mindezt ráadásul a stimulánsokra (pl. efedra) jellemző mellékhatások nélkül teszi.
Egyéb elnevezések
Ayurvédikus ginzeng, Withania somnifera, vörös ginzeng, álombogyó.
Előfordulási helyek
Az ashwagandha készítmények a Withania somnifera növény gyökereiből és leveleiből készülnek; ez egy kis cserje a csucsorfélék (Solanaceae) családjából. A magokat és a rügyeket szintén felhasználják. Elsősorban az Indiai Himalája száraz lejtőin, valamint Észak-Afrika és a Közel-Kelet nyugati területein honos. Egyéb elnevezéseinek némileg ellentmond, hogy egyébként nincs rokonságban a valódi ginzengfélékkel.
Hatása a teljesítmény fokozására
Minden atléta, aki a csúcsra tör, jól teszi, ha az ashwagandha használatát fontolgatja. A nyugati tudományok által támogatva és természetesen Indiai tradicionális felhasználását tekintve is ez a növény potenciálisan hatásos lehet a sportolók és mindazon személyek számára, akik szeretnék megőrizni egészségi állapotukat. Az ashwagandha segíthet csökkenteni a stresszhormonok szintjét edzés közben, javítja az oxigénellátást, a zsírsavak felhasználását is elősegíti, csökkenti a vércukor szintjének esését, valamint kontrollálja a tejsavképződést.
Nyugtatja az izmokat, de nem okoz lomhaságot vagy gyengeséget
Növeli az állóképességet a stressz-és fáradtságcsökkentő vegyületek segítségével (withaninok)
Ellátja az agyat neurotranszmitterekkel, pl. kolinnal, így javítja a memóriát és a koncentrációt.
Az ashwagandha hiánytünetei
Nincs ismert hiánytünete.
Felhasználási lehetőségek
Kutatások alapján az ashwagandha a következő tünetek kezelésekor lehet hasznos:
Koncentrációs zavarok
Alzheimer kór
Magas trigliceridszint
További tudnivalók
Az ashwagandhát hibásan Ayurvédikus ginzengnek nevezik, mivel felhasználásában sok hasonlóság mutatkozik a Kínában használatos ginzengéhez. Az az érdekes, hogy az ashwagandha a mai napig ugyan arra a célra használatos, mint a történelem során bármikor. Íme pár példa:
Az indiai ayurvédikus gyógyászatban energiaszint és életerő növelésére használták, és "vitalizálónak" nevezték
Mivel a memóriát és a tanulási képességet is fejleszti, széles körben alkalmazta az idősebb korosztály
Az ashwagandhát fertőzések, láz sőt, még tumor ellen is használták
Fájdalom és gyulladások csökkentésére is alkalmazzák (beleértve az arthritiszt)
Végül pedig, a fiatal növények rügyei és magjai ételként és tejsűrítőként is használatos
Napjainkban fedezték fel a sportolók is az ashwagandhát, és elkezdték azt kiegészítőként fogyasztani, hogy növeljék az állóképességet, csökkentsék a stresszt és a fájdalmat; mindez mind fontos ahhoz, hogy optimális edzésteljesítményt tudjunk elérni. Bár nyilvánvalóan több kutatásra van még szükség, néhány adat azt sugallja, hogy az ashwagandhának tulajdonképpen erős teljesítményre gyakorolt hatása van: állatkísérletek kimutatták, hogy azok az állatok, akik ashwagandhát kaptak, hosszabb ideig úsztak a többinél, és több izmot is építettek azoknál, akik ginzenget kaptak. Mi több, az ashwagandha segít megelőzni a korral összefüggő egészségi problémákat, mint pl. a csökkenő szexuális teljesítmény, köszönhetően afrodiziákus hatásának.
A sportolók szempontjából adaptogén működése fontos. Egyszerűen fogalmazva, az adaptogén gyógynövény normalizálja a test működését. Sportolók számára ez azt jelenti, hogy csökkenti az edzés hatására termelődő stresszhormonok mennyiségét, növeli az oxigénfelhasználást, segíti a zsírsavak felhasználását, csökkenti a vércukorszint esésének mértékét és kontrollálja a tejsavképződést.
Laboratóriumi kísérletek is alátámasztják a tradicionális felhasználás hatékonyságát. A gyökerek tartalmaznak kolint és béta-szitoszterolt (ez egy ösztrogénszerű anyag), ami a koncentrációs képességet növeli és csökkenti a zsír ill. koleszterinszintet, szomniferint, ami az izmokat nyugtatja, és szkopoletint, ami a görcsöket csillapítja. A levelek olyan anyagokat tartalmaznak, mint a withaferin A, mely segít csökkenteni az arthritisz fájdalmait, valamint elpusztítja a káros organizmusokat és a ráksejteket. A szteroid-alkaloid (nitrogén alapú vegyületek erős hatással) withanin nyugtató hatású, mivel megnöveli a GABA felvételt, mely egy aminosav és neurotranszmitter is egyben. Ez nagyon hasonló a ginzeoidokra, ami az Ázsiai ginzengben található anyag.
Az ashwagandha nagy igen hasznos lehet sportolók és aktív életmódot élő emberek számára, valamint mindenkinek, aki egészsége javításában érdekelt. Tradicionális Indiai felhasználása azt sugallja, hogy sok olyan hatóanyagot tartalmaz, mely megnöveli az általános teljesítményt. Ami pedig a legjobb, a többi adaptogénhez, pl. a ginzenghez viszonyítva széles körben hozzáférhető és nem is drága. Semmi kétség, még fogunk hallani erről a gyógynövényről!
Gyakran kapszulázott formában árulják. Az általánosan alkalmazott mennyiség napi 1-2 gramm a növényből, ami 2-7 mg withanolidra van standardizálva. Teaként is fogyaszthatjuk, ekkor a gyökereket 15 percig forraljuk és napi 3 csészét (750 ml) fogyasszunk belőle. Tinktúrák és folyékony kivonatok is használhatóak, naponta 2-4 ml-es mennyiségben.
Az ashwagandhát étkezésekkel együtt szedjük az optimális felszívódás érdekében.
Az ashwagandha szinergistái
Nincs ismert szinergistája.
Biztonsági tudnivalók
Az ashwagandha tradicionális használatra tekint vissza Indiában és normál adagokban hosszú ideig lehet biztonságosan alkalmazni. Nincs komoly mellékhatása sem. Mindazonáltal a csucsorfélék családjára jellemző alkaloidok jelenléte óva int a túlzott felhasználástól.
Néhány kutató szerint a nagy mennyiségek abortuszt okozhatnak, ezért terhesség idején ne fogyasszuk.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Yoga a part of culture....

Many a times I encounter with some questions on yoga that seems strange, there were quesries regarding the myths that have spread in Hungary regarding yoga by few unqualified teachers. Basically as Kino has marked many a times it is never easy to understand the key and back ground of yoga for a western mind, even they live India for decades.
- To do for a general health like strong immune system.
- To concentrate and calm the down the nervous activities for healthy psychology.
- To unwind the important areas of their body.
- To explore your own path.
- To loosen up Ego.
In India yoga is a part of daily ritual, an Indian dont need to use his mental faculty to explore this science as it is very simple for them. While in west it has become more complicated and technical. We need to set our priorties to know where we are heading up with yoga practice, many of us find at last the we just end up as a mere gymnast !!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Ashtanga Yoga: Pros and cons
In this way, it is somewhat different to the more static styles of yoga such as iyengar and hatha.
Whilst they develop flexibility and improve overall body composition, they don't help with cardiovascular training and endurance, and unless you consciously choose to use more 'power yoga' postures, they don't necessarily develop great muscular strength.
On the other hand, the benefits of ashtanga yoga include the ability to become strong and muscular in a relatively short space of time.
Certain poses in yoga, called the 'power poses' for this reason, help train muscles. And ashtanga yoga has a lot of them incorporated in its' routines. For example, the salute to the sun sequences, which start each of the series, strengthen the deltoids, triceps and pectoral muscles.
A further benefit of ashtanga yoga training is that you won't build bulky muscles. However, you do develop an increase in the size and density of muscle fibers. This has a positive effect on both strength and endurance - good hallmarks of a rounded physical fitness program.
The very nature of the way the ashtanga series were designed mean that they satisfy the caveats every yoga practice should if your aim is also to be physically fit in the traditional sense. The constant movement, and the pace mean you build up a sweat and get a cardiovascular workout. This is an intensity you control, however, and easing up on the pace means less of a workout for your heart.
Ashtanga benefits extend beyond traditional fitness, however. The combination of the heat generated with the stretching allows the muscles to soften. You can thus go deeper into a stretch than you would be able to otherwise. The heat is also said to have a cleansing effect of the body. It certainly helps with circulation, and many of the poses also help with metabolism. The focus and breathing help develop concentration and coordination as well.
Here are some of the pros about ashtanga yoga.
•It's a system of yoga that involves synchronizing your breathing with a progressive series of postures, which is a process that produces intense heat, which causes you to sweat which is supposed to be used to detoxify the muscles and organs of your body
•The first series of poses, which is considered the primary poses in this style of yoga, are basically used for yoga therapy. This therapy is used to realign the spine, detoxify the body, as well as build flexibility, strength and stamina. This series of poses is known as Yoga Chikitsa.
•The second series of poses is known as Nadi Shodana, which basically translates into nervous system purification. These poses are used to clean and strengthen the nervous system, but they are also used to help strengthen the subtle energy channels within the body.
•This form of yoga is actually one of the most popular forms of yoga and has been around for many years. It is a secret and ancient healing practice that was passed down from various yoga instructors.
•This form of yoga is also a very good workout for your body, by raising your body temperature you are in turn raising your heart rate and you are burning calories, which all in turn will help keep you physically fit and can also help you to lose weight. And the longer you practice this form of yoga the better results you will have, as well as producing dramatic effects on your body.
Here are some of the cons to this type of yoga.
•One of the bad things about this type of yoga is that you can not move on to the second series of poses until you have become strong in the first series of yoga.
•While this is not power yoga this type of yoga will give you an intense workout, which means it is not for the light hearted. If you are looking for a more relaxing style of yoga this type of yoga is not going to be right for you.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Do you have fire??
I have seen many of the students in Buda are showing a great deal of courage and willingness to develop themselves at higher level of health, mental peace, and emotional well being.
Fire burns our calories, gives us the heat to grow and to Chase our dreams and convert them reality. As for example I asked Veronica 3 weeks ago that she has to make up her mind for head stand but she said may be next life. But with her conviction and believe she did in 3 weeks.
Vera has left the behind the history of self doubt and 1000 reasons for not to do. She has overcome her weight and osteoporosis, but you should not attempt it needs a safe practice and motivational guidance.
We need this fire to burn our fears, to have a world where we are fearless and our opinions can hold true. We can get complete happiness when we have complete freedom. And yoga say Abhinevesh, fear of self preservation, has to go away for a spiritual and material growth.
Szilvi, who have just started few months ago have shown with her consistent practice that yoga is all about practice not about dreaming, burning your laziness in this fire. It is a matter of safe practice with concise knowledge of your self. That's why she could stay in Dwi pada asana very comfortable and stable. She is young but by the time she will be old she could be much more developed internally, emotionally and spiritually.Same way the Hand stand lifts by Naomi is also an example of utter will to use her best to reach the effortless state. It is surprising that a girl without a previous experience of exercise regime could reach so fast
Thus let kindle the fire and do without interfering the mind in it !!!!!
Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual fire. - Buddha
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Yoga Workshops by Mukesh Kothari
Tudj meg mindent a zsírokról és ismerj meg egy egészséges fogyási módszert. Intenzív gyakorlás Mukesh Kothari indiai jógamesterrel!
Fogyást elősegítő ászanák gyakorlása és pranajáma, étrendek (ájurvéda szerint), a testsúly és testzsír kontrolálásának elvei.
2.) 2009.október 31.: Intenzív Ashtanga műhely – Építsd fel gyakorlásod szilárd alapjait.
Első sorozat, ismerd meg a vinyásza, a légzés és a test hőelosztásának alapjait! Gyakorlás Iyengar módszer szerint!
3.) November 14-15.: Intenzív jóga műhely (hatha és Iyengar alapú).
Ászanák, pranajáma, mudrák, bandha és filozófia.
4.)2009 november 28.: Iyengar jóga – Itt az idő a fejlődésre!
Középpontban a hátrahajlások és az egyensúly-gyakorlatok.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Never say never.....Gilad reloaded !!!
Patanjali in yoga sutras states that practice with the sense of dettachment is the only tool that yogi have. And the spirit to say never say never is a way to sharpen that tool.
After the spider spirit of Vera I am placing Gilad in row for inspiration. Vera shows spirit at 60 to develop, Gilad Regev,48 inspire to get the balance in life with managing a company and desire to grow internally for better health, spirituality and ever young spirit.
I met him six months ago and he practised for a month with me, with a spondylitis at lower back he show a great courage to grow, from zero level of practice to here that you can see in pictures...
Not only yoga every great achievement in life can be only attained with undying desire to toil and to break the limits set by your conditioned mind...........at last the hard work placed on mat, and breaking the jinx of your irritations.....
Robin use to say dent the universe......the purpose of the life can be only fulfilled when you can create a dent in universe...that you can be remembered even after your physical death.......Yoga is just begining.......
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Yoga As it is- By Mukesh Kothari

5000 years ago when sage Patanjali wrote the treatise on yoga, he felt that he is writing a way for humanity to achieve the state of eternal happiness and joy. Yoga is popularly believed as “cessation of mind” and the union of individual self with cosmic self. My experiments with yoga since last 13 years, I felt that still we are far way from the real essence of yoga.
Yoga as a Sanskrit word means union or binds, literally signify the union of individual consciousness with universal consciousness. On the practice level defined as a state of harmony among body, mind and emotions.
Decades of yoga practice have illusion us that it is a body art , though that’s the part of it but at last not the ultimate purpose. In east and India many practices are taken by residents to enhance their spiritual level, and it is believed that yoga is the core science for it.
Present human sufferings are the result of accepting the lowest condition of mind. By the practice of yoga all such conditionings can be overcome easily. Yoga says that we are not only physically conditioned but also psychological conditioned, and we are never aware about it, therefore we are not able to know the way to come out from our problems. Yoga paves the way to higher the consciousness about our inner self and surroundings.
In the books of yoga it is said to be a science of eight fold path, widely known as Ashtanga yoga. It has the limbs they includes Yama (Principles of moral code), Niyama( personal discilines), asana (Physical asanas), Pranayama (Breath retention), Pratayhara (Sense withdrawl), Dharna (methods of concentration), dhyana (Meditation) and Samadhi (attainment of eternal bliss).
Theses above mentioned methods and techniques leads to the purification of internal and external self. They have a deep impact on the level of psychology, physiology, and issues concerned to communication with external environment. The yoga techniques help an individual to strengthen his will and psychology side to face the daily challenges of life. While the combination practice of Asanas and Pranayams lead to the enhanced health and internal joy. There are several problems that have been proved they can be cured very easily with help to Yoga practice under authentic guidance. It have been seen that problems concerned with Spine, gastrointestinal, depression, obesity, phobias and others can be handle easily with the continuous practice.
Yoga is the right path of living, it works on all aspects of the person, i.e Physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Dare to defy the limit??? ----Mukesh Kothari
When I was working for Radisson hotels they have a punch line for employees YES I CAN ! which means I can go beyond the limit to Serve my Guests or Customers........Very special Motto and this motto of defying the limit have made Ritz Carlton hotels as Malcom bridge receipent in service indsustry..........
The story begins when we are kids and join the kindergarten.....we were taught to write alphabets in or within the lines paper. We are taught if the syllable goes beyond the line it will be wrong......We learn it for many years before till we are provided with blank paper......
As the paper become blank unfortunately mind was conditioned.......we start seeing the life within the boundaries......we choose education, love, work, jobs etc within these conditioned boundaries.......Later many of us forms subconcious boundaries for us that limits our potential and we love in the conception that I cant do it or that......
Yoga is not a science to become the gymnast...it is the science that deconditioned the mind and again give the chance to see yourself and your potentials with different and new angle.. For few months we have to say ourself that I CAN DO IT...for few weeks you will struggle but later it will come and this will make you again young from within to break all the limits that you missed few years ago....
Knee hurts at Ashtanga?? What to do??

Yesterday during the Class few of new students were trying to escape some poses. I asked why they are not attempting they said Knees are injured. I dont know where and how they have practised?? But it is very common in Ashtanga Classes 50% are sitting with Knees or Back Injuries......
Let go deep about knee injuries, there are few reason why they are caused??
- Wrong Vinyasa or Surya namaskar Jumps or swings.
- Teacher Ignorance and he Pushes you over the limit.
- Stiff Back and back deformity like scoliosis, frozen shoulders.
- Atlast stiff Hip Flexors
Hip flexors is a collection of muscles that facillates in the upward movement of knees. Generally there are specific asanas, that are practised before going for knee stretches poses like Prasarita padottan asana, or Titaabhi asana. Without getting the support of Hip flexors you cannot do the poses safely and especially in Back bends they are required to prevent the uneccessary injuries.
Sukhsma Vyama like Butterfly movement can be very good point for those suffering from Knees and stiff groins.
Remaining we do in class.......
--------------by Mukesh Kothari
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Mukesh Kothari ::::Bindusar yoga ...way to Know....
To know yourself
To remove the obstacles that are making your life hard
To apply the efforts at the right time and with right skills.
To advance on spiritual path
Part of karma yoga approach
To know who am I?
Please read more about Astrology and Bindusar yoga at our website www.bindusaryoga.hu
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Be a Spider in Life....

Sunday, September 6, 2009
are you moving in Flow?


Friday, September 4, 2009
Do you carry boats at yoga sessions??

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Love your irritations in Yoga and Life?
As we know Yoga is not just a physical science it has a psychological part also. Irritations we have it in daily life and also at yoga classes. It can be that any particular Asana or Pranayama or any other technique irritates us. Many teachers also have irritations to a particular pose, like I used to get irritated with eagle pose(Garuda asana). For many years I try to escape this pose and I was not able to open my planters and knees well. But later in MBA I heard a speaker talking on irritations and ask to love them. I started with it during my studies in few months I started loving this pose. In ashtanga style people use to escape of Viniyasa's.
Let understand what causes irritation? Irritation is caused of two reasons when the person is not interested and forced to do it. And the second reason is ego, when ego doesnt want to accept of chance of failure or uncomfort. If you are on the yoga mat the first cant be the reason surely.
So yoga is all about dropping the ego at right point and to get rid of fear, yoga has no excuses it is just victory of Mind over matter as Mr Colin Hall said , my first boss in Ananda Spa.
In Life:
Colin is a unique man of interesting character, I thought he never read any book on yoga ever but his lifestyle is showing many hidden wisdoms of yoga. I learned the concept to love your irritations as they are actually giant oppurtunities. He always aksed us to do things that irritates us in begining and later we fall in love with doing that. I remember in that Hotel there was general set up of mats and orange shawls in a small colloseum. I hate that work in begining but when he pushed then after few days my creativity revealed more and it become interesting.
I learnt the issues that makes us angry are our biggest gift and we should be grateful to them. Love them. These circumstances start making us from ordinary to extraordinary. They actually reveal your limiting believes, fears and false concepts.
Even Carl Jung said that whatever irritates us about others can help us to understand ourselves better.
I think in my last 6 years of life experience in 4 countries with many nationality I met very few Colin's who take responsibilty rather than blaming themselves for their irritations.
So stop blaming your muscles, Knees, back, injuries, and many more.......just get in irritations and things will be achieve easily in yoga and in life.....
"I have learned silence from talkative, toleration from intolerant and kindness from unkind, yet strange I am grateful to those teachers" ---------------Khalil Gibran
Friday, August 28, 2009
Osteoporosis.....Solution from yoga?
When the right to advise older people with living like this for a wide range of therapeutic effects of doing yoga. Osteoporosis is the most common disease of older women. Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones, the bones become weak and prone to breakage. The bone mineral density (DXA) measurement of bone density (BMC) and take into account any negative deviation considered osteoporosis. The brittleness of the bones rendelleneségeként appear to affect the hip, wrist, and sometimes the spine and ribs as well. In general, the older women after menopause, osteoporosis, menopause itself is the main cause of
This picture shows how osteoporosis affects the spine.
The science of Ayurveda and yoga, the increased Vata in the joints and can cause thinning of bone density loss. Usually, the change in lifestyle, diet (enough calcium and vitamin D intake) and well-chosen exercises, asanas in particular to strengthen the implementation of the regular process of osteoporosis can be reversed.
The asanas properly implemented, the correct breathing and good posture creates the ovary, adrenal and parathyroid (which regulates calcium metabolism) of harmony between the pituitary gland to ensure a balanced hormonellátást which strengthens bones.
Poses such as the Cobra, the Sphinx and the locus of the back will help strengthen the bones and poses as a warrior to help load-bearing capacity of the legs. The correct breathing exercises (Pranayama), Lunatic in the flows contributing to the regeneration of the lost hormones and reduce the risk of future infections.
Ayurveda recommends a number of medical products, such as ground oyster shells to the Shankha Bhasma and good, for sure calcium. Not only in medicine but in yoga is important because sometimes too much calcium kidney stone formation might involve a risk ...
It is important to the well-chosen, balanced diet which includes milk, cheese, carrots, soy, etc. szetámmagot
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Osteoporosis.....Solution from yoga?

According to Ayurveda and yoga, increased Vata in joints can cause thinning and losing bone density of bones. Generally the lifestyle changes, Diets(Sufficient Calcium and Vitamin D) and regular regime of well chosen exercises, specially weight bearing asanas can reverse the process of Osteoporosis.
Proper Asanas, proper breathing and proper attitude forms the harmony among ovaries, adrenals, Parathyroids(regulates calcium metabolism), pituitary makes the balanced supply of hormones that strengthen the bones.
Asanas like Cobra, Sphinx and Locust helps to strengthen the back muscles and Poses like warrior helps develop the power around legs. Correct practice of Pranayamas specially Lunatic flows helps to regenerate the lost hormones and avoid further risk of diseases.
Ayurveda suggests some internal medications for example Shankha Bhasma, that is powder of Oyster Shells, which provide a good and safe supply of Calcium. Not only medications but yoga is important as sometimes high calcium can cause danger of stone in Kidneys.....
A good and balanced diet should be chosen that can include like Milk, Cheese, Carrot, Soy, Sesame seeds etc.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Healing Libido with yoga and ayurveda?
Modern science administers use to TRT(Testosterone replacement therapy), but it has many side effects like lack of libido, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis, penile enlargement etc. In 50's this therapy is regarded as anti aging.
Well get back to yoga, there are numerous asanas when they are practiced with correct breath flow and retension while applying certain locks can stimulate the natural testosterone and its process. For example Moolabandha asana is one of its type that can help in this. Other is kapalabhatti that stimulate adrenals gland and helps to release this anabolic hormone.
In Tantras techniques like Vajroli, Vajrondi, Veeraasana, and other practices are done to achieve the goals, but not meant for ordinary human.
Ayurveda gives Vajjikarna therapy as a solution in which from special cleaning to certain food combinations ate taken to activate it. Like a Pure shilajit with some other herbal combinations are taken, or a simple measure of Goat testes are cooked well in milk to eat.
But all the above Indian sciences believe in cleaning of intestine to flow the Apana vayu(vata) properly to function well.
Therefore a general combination of herbs is described in ayurveda along with techniques of yoga to heal this problem..............
Friday, August 14, 2009
Is yoga a part of Hinduism? by Mukesh Kothari
Now Yoga, yoga is a science like physics, mathematics,biology or anyother. Yoga is discovered by people living in Himalayas, same as physics is mainly discovered by west. When Physics, Chemistry etc cannot be a Christian science same way Yoga is also not a Hindu science. Science is not related with the sect or religion of a person who discovered it.
In fact Hinduism is inspired by yoga, yoga is based on formless presence of super power or governing energy, we call as GOD(one who Generate, Operate and Destroy). But as man needs sects so hinduism is a by product where some follow Shiva, Vishnu, Krishna and Shakti. These divisions are merely based on ignorance.
Patanjali says contemplation on seedless entity therefore yoga discards the presence of any form of God. So Patanjali just emphasis on Self study, Austerity and Contemplation on Soul.
Yoga is a universal science, like blood, it has same color and same circulation irrespective for what faith, race and creed you belong........
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Do we ask questions?
For last many weeks I was waiting for a question that how to bend forward in a sitting pose? Whether with a straight back or the convex back. It is obvious that normally students dont ask questions in school when they are doing there basic education, but when they learn the professional courses it is necessary to ask the questions to get the practical knowledge and to understand correct applications of theory. Yoga is also a professional science first you form a habit of questioning the teacher then later you question yourself WHO AM I?
Once a student from Holland Diwertze ask Mukesh could you tell me why to use mats during yoga? Other students laughed but she was courageous to ask, when I ask her to ask those who laughed other got silent.
Therefore every man who achieved success in yoga the role of enquiry was crucial. A teacher is not a man who not only just answers your question but he has a duty to make you reach to the right question.
In my opinion one can only learn yoga if he clears the doubt.....therefore not only asking the questions but to recheck the answers of teacher are also required to know that whether you are in a right path or may be someone is misleading you........
Yoga is an art that can be learn in a scientific way in begining as physical part later on metaphysical part..........
"One who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; one who does not ask a question remains a fool forever " - A chinese saying
By Mukesh Kothari
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Ashtanga Redefined.....

Ashtanga redefined is an attempt to alive the spirit of ashtanga without compromising with soul of Yoga, especially hatha yoga. It is a journey to move from form to formless. Ashtanga redifined emphasis the postures should have a diamond like precision and a smooth flow of river with streamline conciousness.....

Each asana is meant for the activation of a particular quality of a specific chakra, so how we can compromise with the Chakras and Kundalini which are inherent goal to be achieved through Hatha yoga.......
Saturday, August 8, 2009
6 simple steps to develop your Ashtanga yoga practice..
- Listen to your body and have faith in yourself.........I learn while working with Radisson hotels...YES I CAN !
- Never forget alignments, wrong flow or practice of ashtanga viniyasa can cause injuries in back and knees....so please ask your teachers for correct and alternative way to do asanas......every body is a unique temple (Even many great ashtangis refer to book named light on yoga)
- Practice more and correct Pranayamas.....yoga monasteries in India believe pranayama as most important part of yoga.....intense breathing can unlock or open the body easily, at last breath is your real master........(read swami Vivekanand or Yoga nanda)
- Question your teachers about doubts...this is your right to correct knowledge...Osho referred " Patanjali said more you have doubts on yoga more you will be successful...you need to experiment to believe the truth"....No Blind faith......
- Practice regularly with patience and dedication, yoga is a life long non competitive practice of years.......
- Try to avoid excessive attachment, hatred, fears, laziness and jealousy......they will ruin you as human and at last you will be a mere gymnast.......
"If mind is the king of senses, the breath is the king of mind"- Swami Svatmaram
Friday, August 7, 2009
Astanga VS Iyengar yoga

There were basically four types of yoga path are mentioned, Bhakti yoga(Path of devotion), Karma yoga(Path of perfect action), Jnana yoga(Path of Wisdom) and Raja yoga (The royal path).
Hatha yoga the physical approach to yoga is part of Raja yoga and if we go deep you can find that all above mentioned traditional path merge in Raja yoga.
Hatha yoga is one of the main and basic wing for those who are new to the spiritual path, as it is a journey from body to mind via the bridge of breath. It is an application of body, mind and breath. It emphasis on synchronization among three.
But we need division, so we have form styles like Ashtanga, Iyengar, Bikram, Kundalini and so on. In India these divisions dont matter for example Baba Ramdev has healed many through yoga and at the same time showed the path of spirituality whereas in west these divisions are regarded as brands.
In west many teachers are in feud that this style is better than the other one. I have seen a some teachers in Hungary who constantly criticize Ashtanga and can count thousands of disadvantages for it, while other side unfortunately there were some so called ashtangis also who refer other yoga practices as sleeping or passive practices, and doesnt care about allignments.
We all belong to yoga, my master said that we dont choose yoga, it chooses us. But due to illusions or maya we used to compare, we compete in the name of that ancient science that teaches non competitive spirit which is way to ultimate perfection.
This is an absurd concept that whether Ashtanga is good or Iyengar is better, it depends on the individual body, nature and level of practice that which style he or she like to opt. Breath conciousness is the ultimate master, it guides you the real alms of yoga. the role of teacher is mere upto motivate you and bring the extraordinary part from ordinary students.
Patanjali has described the just two tools or instrument for yoga practitioner, first one is practice and other one is practice with sense of non attachment.
Thus we the teachers community have to take some steps and try to stop the tendency to malice other teachers and their way of teachings. We all are directed physically to a goal that requires unity and harmony of an ancient science that we call Hatha yoga.
Finally the choice is yours.....
Aum shanti !
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Ashtanga Yoga

so waiting for what.....come and start......"all is coming"- Shri Pattabhi Jois...
By Mukesh Kothari, Mukesh Kothari is currently teaching in Szurja Yoga, Sporttemplom, and TKlubfitness. Mukesh deals in styles of Ashtanga Viniyasa, Iyengar yoga and Bindusar yoga. Mukesh Kothari have developed the style of bindusar yoga, that includes Integrated conecpts of yoga, astrology and ayurveda.