Saturday, October 2, 2010
I am Back!! keeping my Fire
Hey I thought its time to write again, as for the last some months I was away from it. To start again !! I was thinking as the there is no way back to start again, but to restart to find a new ending.
We are Humans and most of the time we lack motivation. As we have a strong logical and analytic mind we start saying that I have no interest, or I have lost myself during the hardships taken for last decades. Do Motivation is defined by Interest? yes indeed it is defined partially. But doing or chasing the same task for years demotivates us, here motivation fails on term of interest.
I my opinion to have an interest for something, does not motivate us, Many of us have interest in Music, dance, cooking, poetry, share broking, directing a movie but what is reality?? the whole day we are sitting in one corner of 30 m sq, counting some bills or convincing people to but some insurance policy. Reasons are millions to explain that we are victims of time, fate and circumstances.
Here motivation comes in play, you have ended to chase your big dreams because few times you were tested by storm of fate. You just hold an interest to fly Amsterdam to appreciate Van Gough or joining weekly Salsa classes to quench your thirsty legs. We are not motivated though interest is there still.
Think again what drives you interest, motivation or circumstances??? As Lewis said "Some day you will old enough to start reading fairy tales again" . Where is your fire??
Mukesh Kothari On Motivation
We are Humans and most of the time we lack motivation. As we have a strong logical and analytic mind we start saying that I have no interest, or I have lost myself during the hardships taken for last decades. Do Motivation is defined by Interest? yes indeed it is defined partially. But doing or chasing the same task for years demotivates us, here motivation fails on term of interest.
I my opinion to have an interest for something, does not motivate us, Many of us have interest in Music, dance, cooking, poetry, share broking, directing a movie but what is reality?? the whole day we are sitting in one corner of 30 m sq, counting some bills or convincing people to but some insurance policy. Reasons are millions to explain that we are victims of time, fate and circumstances.
Here motivation comes in play, you have ended to chase your big dreams because few times you were tested by storm of fate. You just hold an interest to fly Amsterdam to appreciate Van Gough or joining weekly Salsa classes to quench your thirsty legs. We are not motivated though interest is there still.
Think again what drives you interest, motivation or circumstances??? As Lewis said "Some day you will old enough to start reading fairy tales again" . Where is your fire??
Mukesh Kothari On Motivation
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Yoga Workshop on June 27
Healthy Back and Spine (Props use)
3 hrs Yoga Workshop on June 27, Sunday
Szurja Joga, Paulay ede Utca 25-27
3 hrs Yoga Workshop on June 27, Sunday
Szurja Joga, Paulay ede Utca 25-27
Unique designed workshop entirely on back and spine. The workshop will address the neck pain, upper back pain, lower back pain and tailbone pain. More than 18 yoga postures with a special way will be practiced in order to help spine to relieve the pain.
Hatha Yoga has considered Spine as the most important part of the Human body for both physical and spiritual bliss where as Hinduism has defined the Spine as the seat for 33 million Gods. Scoliosis and its prevention is a main theme for this workshop. Scoliosis is a state in which a person spine’s curved from side to side. With the long term and correct practice of Yoga the pain can be eradicated for forever. Along with this, the other issues such as defining the practice for people having Slipped Disc, Muscular spasm, Kyphosis (Hunch back), and Lordosis will be done.Apart from that those who want to preserve their back against stress, degenerative problems, stiffness and Osteoporosis can also participate. A home practice chart of yoga practice for 2 months to help the back against Scoliosis will be given.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
2nd series
“Release Your Brakes”
“Everything you want is just outside from your comfort zone”
Benefits of this new series:
1. Takes your Mind and Thinking at a different level.
2. Boast high confidence and open your heart chakra to alleviate
suppressed thoughts and desires.
3. Build core strength in muscles at legs and back.
4. Fat loss is faster as metabolism goes higher.
5. Improved flexibility and strength.
The series will begin with step by step learning of new postures, with a three hour introduction workshop on Ashtanga second series on May 30, 2010. For regular classes on 2nd series check .
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Alap Jóga Oktató Képzés
Alap Jóga Oktató Képzés
Bindusar Yoga Rishikesh és Budapest
Gazdagítsd életed átváltozással
A Bindusar Yoga Tanárképző program az egyik legátfogóbb és minden részletre kiterjedő; a változás - a transzformáció - pedig az egyik leglátványosabb az egész világon! A képzés a legmagasabb szinten zajlik, éppúgy, mint ahogyan azt a Himalájában oktatják - ahonnan a jóga származik és melyet a himalájai oktatók századokon át terjesztettek. A kurzus elvégzésével a jógával és az ayurvédával kapcsolatos széleskörű tudás birtokába kerülhetünk. Az aszanák minden részletre kiterjedő gyakorlásán túl pranayámák, meditációk, anatómia és pszichológia, tanítási metodika (módszertan), mantrák és más egyéb, életünket gyökeresen megváltoztató spirituális gyakorlatokat tanulhatunk. A képzés
A képzés különlegessége az, hogy módszertana eset tanulmányokon alapul, ahol a tudás nem csupán teoretikus (elméleti), hanem tisztán a gyakorlatban alkalmazható. A képzést nem csak azoknak ajánljuk, akik oktatók szeretnének lenni, hanem azoknak is, akik csak a saját maguk és minőségibb életük érdekében a jóga mélységeiben szeretnének elmerülni.
A kurzust két helyszínen hirdetjük meg, Budapesten (Magyarország) és a Bindusar Yoga Schoolban, Rishikeshben (India). Azok, akik szeretnék megtapasztalni a jóga lelkének igazi eredetét, a kurzust mindkét helyen, részben Budapesten, részben pedig Rishikeshben is végezhetik.
Mi szükséges ahhoz, hogy jelentkezhess a képzésre?
- Legalább három hónapos aktív jóga tapasztalat
- Ajánlólevél attól az oktatótól, aki korábban tanított
- Elhivatott és fegyelmezett életmód
- Alázatos, szerény hozzáállás és könyörületes lélek
- Mások alázatos szolgálata
„Önmagunkért élni a nyomorúság forrása” ”- Paramhansha Yogananda
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
New Classes
A perfect new approach has been taken to design the different needs of individual. All classes in T Klub fitness will be on theme based. Every class has new purpose and new aim with different fundamentals just to achieve the same age long goal of everlasting happiness.......
Monday, February 15, 2010
Do you carry Boats??
I have written this blog already but I would like to add the power of free flow with it. You need to open the sailing cloth if you want the boat to reach its destination. Many a times we are carrying boat without sailing and just waiting the waves should carry them...
It is just because the army have come to know that their no way back.........same way in life we have many boats arounds and some highly optimists called them as Alternatives......Ask yourself that how many times in life you have step with half hearted or fears in always have these invisible boats around you when pressure builds up on you.........we have try to escape the situations and circumstances with a reason that this was not good for me....
An interesting questions ! how does the boat and yoga can relate?? Indeed they can.....
I heard about Hernando cortéz, he was a great spanish explorer who took Mexico for Spain. When his fleet of army reached the coast of Mexico, they have to go through a fierce battle with Mexicans. The battle was taking place uphills so they need to march up and fight to conquer the top. But when he saw his army was meeting disaster and on the verge of losing the battle, he asked his subordinate to burn all the boats. Once the boats are burned, they win the lost battle miracally..........
It is just because the army have come to know that their no way back.........same way in life we have many boats arounds and some highly optimists called them as Alternatives......Ask yourself that how many times in life you have step with half hearted or fears in always have these invisible boats around you when pressure builds up on you.........we have try to escape the situations and circumstances with a reason that this was not good for me....
Many of us carry these boats in yoga classes.....we always try to find a way to escape what irritates us or challenges us.....challenges are the teachers that brings the grace under pressure...
I have seen while teaching Crane pose(Bakasana) many students place cushions underneath even they are not going to fall.....and some of us leave those challenges for future.....
Once I was teaching an exclusive class of yoga in depth on Paschimottan asana(Sitting forward bend), there was girl who was doing less but looking at other people more....when I asked her that why she is not trying....she answered that when she will get flexible then she will do it...
I was astonished that she might take some capsules to make her flexible :) unless you dont try how can you get flexibilty.....likewise some are there theyare enough flexible to break their last day record but they have alternatives around and they stay for years on same level where there were five years ago........
These boats also never let us to grow in we always attempt things with half calibre and capacity......we are never sure of our capabilities whether we can achive it or not. We always have an attitude of giving try.......Like we have in India for Sports so we lag at last on medal tally even we are more than a billion.....
Life is a different part of same coin, you see the things with your pre-determined mind. The fears, lack of will and confidence stop you to sail through the ocean of life.
Life is a different part of same coin, you see the things with your pre-determined mind. The fears, lack of will and confidence stop you to sail through the ocean of life.
If you trust your yoga teacher and the teacher has no records of injury to students then you can try to walk uphill and set everyday a new standard and a challenge for you....Yoga reflects in life as life reflects in yoga.....
Try to count your boats and put them at bin..........
So leave your boats and try to break your own set mental limits.......
Mukesh Kothari
Mukesh Kothari
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