Friday, October 16, 2009

Do you have fire??

Passions are required, many of right hand philosophy termed them negative. Even hinduism said they are not necessary and can be harmful. But Tantra marks they are required for perfection and man can be completely free from them only with complete utilisation.

I have seen many of the students in Buda are showing a great deal of courage and willingness to develop themselves at higher level of health, mental peace, and emotional well being.

Fire burns our calories, gives us the heat to grow and to Chase our dreams and convert them reality. As for example I asked Veronica 3 weeks ago that she has to make up her mind for head stand but she said may be next life. But with her conviction and believe she did in 3 weeks.

Vera has left the behind the history of self doubt and 1000 reasons for not to do. She has overcome her weight and osteoporosis, but you should not attempt it needs a safe practice and motivational guidance.

We need this fire to burn our fears, to have a world where we are fearless and our opinions can hold true. We can get complete happiness when we have complete freedom. And yoga say Abhinevesh, fear of self preservation, has to go away for a spiritual and material growth.

Szilvi, who have just started few months ago have shown with her consistent practice that yoga is all about practice not about dreaming, burning your laziness in this fire. It is a matter of safe practice with concise knowledge of your self. That's why she could stay in Dwi pada asana very comfortable and stable. She is young but by the time she will be old she could be much more developed internally, emotionally and spiritually.

Same way the Hand stand lifts by Naomi is also an example of utter will to use her best to reach the effortless state. It is surprising that a girl without a previous experience of exercise regime could reach so fast

Thus let kindle the fire and do without interfering the mind in it !!!!!

Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual fire. - Buddha

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Yoga Workshops by Mukesh Kothari

1.) 2009.október 17.: A jóga tüze – középpontban a zsírmetabolizmus.

Tudj meg mindent a zsírokról és ismerj meg egy egészséges fogyási módszert. Intenzív gyakorlás Mukesh Kothari indiai jógamesterrel!

Fogyást elősegítő ászanák gyakorlása és pranajáma, étrendek (ájurvéda szerint), a testsúly és testzsír kontrolálásának elvei.

2.) 2009.október 31.: Intenzív Ashtanga műhely – Építsd fel gyakorlásod szilárd alapjait.

Első sorozat, ismerd meg a vinyásza, a légzés és a test hőelosztásának alapjait! Gyakorlás Iyengar módszer szerint!

3.) November 14-15.: Intenzív jóga műhely (hatha és Iyengar alapú).

Ászanák, pranajáma, mudrák, bandha és filozófia.

4.)2009 november 28.: Iyengar jóga – Itt az idő a fejlődésre!
Középpontban a hátrahajlások és az egyensúly-gyakorlatok.

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