Monday, September 28, 2009

Never say never.....Gilad reloaded !!!

I come across these words in yoga sessions that "I will do this after 10 years or next life". Never say never is a tendency to be optimist. Optismism is just only a attitude it is a belief that I can accomplish the task if I will believe on me......

Patanjali in yoga sutras states that practice with the sense of dettachment is the only tool that yogi have. And the spirit to say never say never is a way to sharpen that tool.

After the spider spirit of Vera I am placing Gilad in row for inspiration. Vera shows spirit at 60 to develop, Gilad Regev,48 inspire to get the balance in life with managing a company and desire to grow internally for better health, spirituality and ever young spirit.

I met him six months ago and he practised for a month with me, with a spondylitis at lower back he show a great courage to grow, from zero level of practice to here that you can see in pictures...

Not only yoga every great achievement in life can be only attained with undying desire to toil and to break the limits set by your conditioned last the hard work placed on mat, and breaking the jinx of your irritations.....

Robin use to say dent the universe......the purpose of the life can be only fulfilled when you can create a dent in universe...that you can be remembered even after your physical death.......Yoga is just begining.......

Saturday, September 26, 2009


We all have different needs....and yoga is one of the way to satisfaction. But even at yoga classes we find that our body and structure of muscles need unique way to unwind and open. Therefore to cater this need we are going to have workshops 2 times in a month on weekend....

Keep looking and we will do best to inform you.

Workshops will be conducted by:

Mukesh Kothari

Orlos Erika

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Yoga As it is- By Mukesh Kothari

Yoga : As it is

5000 years ago when sage Patanjali wrote the treatise on yoga, he felt that he is writing a way for humanity to achieve the state of eternal happiness and joy. Yoga is popularly believed as “cessation of mind” and the union of individual self with cosmic self. My experiments with yoga since last 13 years, I felt that still we are far way from the real essence of yoga.

Yoga as a Sanskrit word means union or binds, literally signify the union of individual consciousness with universal consciousness. On the practice level defined as a state of harmony among body, mind and emotions.

Decades of yoga practice have illusion us that it is a body art , though that’s the part of it but at last not the ultimate purpose. In east and India many practices are taken by residents to enhance their spiritual level, and it is believed that yoga is the core science for it.

Present human sufferings are the result of accepting the lowest condition of mind. By the practice of yoga all such conditionings can be overcome easily. Yoga says that we are not only physically conditioned but also psychological conditioned, and we are never aware about it, therefore we are not able to know the way to come out from our problems. Yoga paves the way to higher the consciousness about our inner self and surroundings.

In the books of yoga it is said to be a science of eight fold path, widely known as Ashtanga yoga. It has the limbs they includes Yama (Principles of moral code), Niyama( personal discilines), asana (Physical asanas), Pranayama (Breath retention), Pratayhara (Sense withdrawl), Dharna (methods of concentration), dhyana (Meditation) and Samadhi (attainment of eternal bliss).

Theses above mentioned methods and techniques leads to the purification of internal and external self. They have a deep impact on the level of psychology, physiology, and issues concerned to communication with external environment. The yoga techniques help an individual to strengthen his will and psychology side to face the daily challenges of life. While the combination practice of Asanas and Pranayams lead to the enhanced health and internal joy. There are several problems that have been proved they can be cured very easily with help to Yoga practice under authentic guidance. It have been seen that problems concerned with Spine, gastrointestinal, depression, obesity, phobias and others can be handle easily with the continuous practice.

Yoga is the right path of living, it works on all aspects of the person, i.e Physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Dare to defy the limit??? ----Mukesh Kothari

For few it is yes for many it is No...........Most of the time in Szurja yoga I saw a promotion of course names YES YOU CAN !

When I was working for Radisson hotels they have a punch line for employees YES I CAN ! which means I can go beyond the limit to Serve my Guests or Customers........Very special Motto and this motto of defying the limit have made Ritz Carlton hotels as Malcom bridge receipent in service indsustry..........

The story begins when we are kids and join the kindergarten.....we were taught to write alphabets in or within the lines paper. We are taught if the syllable goes beyond the line it will be wrong......We learn it for many years before till we are provided with blank paper......

As the paper become blank unfortunately mind was conditioned.......we start seeing the life within the boundaries......we choose education, love, work, jobs etc within these conditioned boundaries.......Later many of us forms subconcious boundaries for us that limits our potential and we love in the conception that I cant do it or that......

Yoga is not a science to become the is the science that deconditioned the mind and again give the chance to see yourself and your potentials with different and new angle.. For few months we have to say ourself that I CAN DO IT...for few weeks you will struggle but later it will come and this will make you again young from within to break all the limits that you missed few years ago....
-By Mukesh Kothari

Knee hurts at Ashtanga?? What to do??

Yesterday during the Class few of new students were trying to escape some poses. I asked why they are not attempting they said Knees are injured. I dont know where and how they have practised?? But it is very common in Ashtanga Classes 50% are sitting with Knees or Back Injuries......

Let go deep about knee injuries, there are few reason why they are caused??

  1. Wrong Vinyasa or Surya namaskar Jumps or swings.

  2. Teacher Ignorance and he Pushes you over the limit.

  3. Stiff Back and back deformity like scoliosis, frozen shoulders.

  4. Atlast stiff Hip Flexors

Hip flexors is a collection of muscles that facillates in the upward movement of knees. Generally there are specific asanas, that are practised before going for knee stretches poses like Prasarita padottan asana, or Titaabhi asana. Without getting the support of Hip flexors you cannot do the poses safely and especially in Back bends they are required to prevent the uneccessary injuries.

Sukhsma Vyama like Butterfly movement can be very good point for those suffering from Knees and stiff groins.

Remaining we do in class.......

--------------by Mukesh Kothari

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mukesh Kothari ::::Bindusar yoga ...way to Know....

Life is challenge for us due to uncertainity and it becomes more hard when we dont know ourself. Planets forms combinations and affects us with their macrocosmic energy. To know the energy and to live the life as we desired. Our aim to bring the greater awareness for this vedic science and so you can know yourself better. We have positives and negatives hidden in our personality, attitudes, thinking, actions, behaviour etc and we are never aware of them and finally step into wrong action that leads to misery and pain. And at last we blame destiny. We are maker of our destiny with our karmas. Vedic jyotish is a tool used for few things:

To know yourself
To remove the obstacles that are making your life hard
To apply the efforts at the right time and with right skills.
To advance on spiritual path
Part of karma yoga approach
To know who am I?

Please read more about Astrology and Bindusar yoga at our website

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Be a Spider in Life....

Researches have given a theory that woman are scared of spiders due to their genes ! They can be afraid unless they don't become spiders in their life........

In India Hindus avoid to kill spiders, they believe that spiders belong to Higher Brahmin's caste, that seems little ridiculous but that's they believe......

Well here in blog I am focusing on positive features of spider, that is perseverance. Mahmood Ghajni who attacked India continuously and finally won on the 17th attempt. In initial years when he was attracted by wealth of India, he attacked India he has to face 5 severe defeats. He was disappointed and considering to go back. Suddenly while pondering on his thought he saw a small spider who was trying to climb the wall but falling every time and on his 15th attempt he succeeded, this inspired him that when a small spider cannot leave trying how he can.............Thus he continued his attack and won at last on 17 attempt........

In Life we miss this attitude there are only only few who are determined to succeed like a tortoise, majority is like a rabbit................

In yoga also success cannot be guaranteed unless you are not a spider....only spiders can attain success in yoga as its requires toil and perseverance without loosing the motivation......I have many students but only few of them like Veronica can be labelled as spider.......

Being a spider will deduct all the obstacles like injuries, old age, diseases, time limits, fatigues, lack of motivation and new world of happiness will be unveiled.............

Sunday, September 6, 2009

are you moving in Flow?

Ashtanga redefined is a practice that states the practice of Ashtanga viniyasa system on the full understanding of hatha and raja yoga concepts. It put great attention on principles of yogic techniques, that generates the internal heat to eliniminate the toxins and past karmas. Ashtanga is solely practice on the basis of internal heat caused due to catabolic actions. I have seen few are doing with external heat by increasing the temperatures terming as Hot ashtanga. Heat to facilate the movements of yoga are good and scientifically based only in Bikram yoga, as it is an repetative movements of asanas while specially designed breathing exercises that holds 80 % of breath in during a particular asana. It also helps positively in Bikram style due to its not highly dynamic nature.

But ashtanga viniyasa is the most dynamic exercise and to practice it only the internal heat is enough if generated with correct breathing and Locks. Unnecessary heat from outside will only cause heat strokes and unbalanced metabolism.

Therfore I style of Ashtanga redefined is suitable for all levels, all ages as it places every individual as a unique constituent and finds the way through Iyengar and ashtanga to increase his you can see in the picture students at my class at Budaörs of all ages and capacity are defining their new heights....

Friday, September 4, 2009

Do you carry boats at yoga sessions??

An interesting questions ! how does the boat and yoga can relate?? Indeed they can.....

I heard about Hernando cortéz, he was a great spanish explorer who took Mexico for Spain. When his fleet of army reached the coast of Mexico, they have to go through a fierce battle with Mexicans. The battle was taking place uphills so they need to march up and fight to conquer the top. But when he saw his army was meeting disaster and on the verge of losing the battle, he asked his subordinate to burn all the boats. Once the boats are burned, they win the lost battle miracally..........

It is just because the army have come to know that their no way back.........same way in life we have many boats arounds and some highly optimists called them as Alternatives......Ask yourself that how many times in life you have step with half hearted or fears in always have these invisible boats around you when pressure builds up on you.........we have try to escape the situations and circumstances with a reason that this was not good for me....

Many of us carry these boats in yoga classes.....we always try to find a way to escape what irritates us or challenges us.....challenges are the teachers that brings the grace under pressure...

I have seen while teaching Crane pose(Bakasana) many students place cushions underneath even they are not going to fall.....and some of us leave those challenges for future.....

Once I was teaching an exclusive class of yoga in depth on Paschimottan asana(Sitting forward bend), there was girl who was doing less but looking at other people more....when I asked her that why she is not trying....she answered that when she will get flexible then she will do it...

I was astonished that she might take some capsules to make her flexible :) unless you dont try how can you get flexibilty.....likewise some are there theyare enough flexible to break their last day record but they have alternatives around and they stay for years on same level where there were five years ago........

These boats also never let us to grow in we always attempt things with half calibre and capacity......we are never sure of our capabilities whether we can achive it or not. We always have an attitude of giving try.......Like we have in India for Sports so we lag at last on medal tally even we are more than a billion.....

If you trust your yoga teacher and the teacher has no records of injury to students then you can try to walk uphill and set everyday a new standard and a challenge for you.....Yga relects in life as life reflects in yoga.....

Try to count your boats and put them at bin..........

So leave your boats and try to break your own set mental limits.......

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Love your irritations in Yoga and Life?

In Yoga:
As we know Yoga is not just a physical science it has a psychological part also. Irritations we have it in daily life and also at yoga classes. It can be that any particular Asana or Pranayama or any other technique irritates us. Many teachers also have irritations to a particular pose, like I used to get irritated with eagle pose(Garuda asana). For many years I try to escape this pose and I was not able to open my planters and knees well. But later in MBA I heard a speaker talking on irritations and ask to love them. I started with it during my studies in few months I started loving this pose. In ashtanga style people use to escape of Viniyasa's.

Let understand what causes irritation? Irritation is caused of two reasons when the person is not interested and forced to do it. And the second reason is ego, when ego doesnt want to accept of chance of failure or uncomfort. If you are on the yoga mat the first cant be the reason surely.

So yoga is all about dropping the ego at right point and to get rid of fear, yoga has no excuses it is just victory of Mind over matter as Mr Colin Hall said , my first boss in Ananda Spa.

In Life:
Colin is a unique man of interesting character, I thought he never read any book on yoga ever but his lifestyle is showing many hidden wisdoms of yoga. I learned the concept to love your irritations as they are actually giant oppurtunities. He always aksed us to do things that irritates us in begining and later we fall in love with doing that. I remember in that Hotel there was general set up of mats and orange shawls in a small colloseum. I hate that work in begining but when he pushed then after few days my creativity revealed more and it become interesting.

I learnt the issues that makes us angry are our biggest gift and we should be grateful to them. Love them. These circumstances start making us from ordinary to extraordinary. They actually reveal your limiting believes, fears and false concepts.

Even Carl Jung said that whatever irritates us about others can help us to understand ourselves better.

I think in my last 6 years of life experience in 4 countries with many nationality I met very few Colin's who take responsibilty rather than blaming themselves for their irritations.

So stop blaming your muscles, Knees, back, injuries, and many more.......just get in irritations and things will be achieve easily in yoga and in life.....

"I have learned silence from talkative, toleration from intolerant and kindness from unkind, yet strange I am grateful to those teachers" ---------------Khalil Gibran